I really love your work! and don't worry to much about posting. I browse here a bunch myself and only fav when I don't wanna miss something. your work has a nice animated feel like I can actually picture it moving without it needing to move. and its something I don't see to much on here. stuff is usually either Photoshopped to hell or bland and lifeless. no pressure on posting but I cant wait to see your next doodle :D
I really love your work! and don't worry to much about posting. I browse here a bunch myself and only fav when I don't wanna miss something. your work has a nice animated feel like I can actually picture it moving without it needing to move. and its something I don't see to much on here. stuff is usually either Photoshopped to hell or bland and lifeless. no pressure on posting but I cant wait to see your next doodle :D